Search Results On international lefthanders day

international lefthanders day

  • left handed rappers, famous left handers in india, international lefthanders day 10 famous people who are left handed, International lefthanders day

    International Lefthanders Day: 10 Famous People Who Are Left-Handed 2019-08-13 11:34:14

    August 13 is marked as the day of International Lefthanders Day. The day dedicated for lefties was first introduced almost 30 years ago by the Club of Lefthanders. As per figures, only 10 percent of the people are lefthanders, and...

    Keywords: famous left handed scientists, famous left handed athletes, famous left handed artists, left handed rappers

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    International Left-Handers Day, International Left-Handers Day, international left handers day 10 surprising facts about lefties, International lefthanders day

    International Left-Handers Day: 10 Surprising Facts About Lefties 2019-08-13 09:22:19

    Every year August 13 is observed as International Lefthanders Day 2019. The day is dedicated to the lefties of the world. Reportedly only 10 percent of people in the world are left-handed. Being a left-hander in a world which is...

    Keywords: facts about International Left-Handers Day, surprising facts about left handers, facts about International Left-Handers Day, International Left-Handers Day

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