Search Results On indian accent (Page 1 of 2)

indian accent (Page 1 of 2)

  • Luna Park, Indian abused in Australia, pregnant indian women racially abused in sydney, Indian accent

    Pregnant Indian women, racially abused in Sydney 2017-05-03 06:03:53

    A pregnant Indian woman and her family were racially abused by a lady in a park in Sydney, Australia, after her husband asked the lady if they could sit next to her. The incident occurred on April 22nd in Luna...

    Keywords: Indian-origin news, racially abused, racially abused, Luna Park

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    Indians abroad, Things foreigners find annoying about Indians, 8 things foreigners find most annoying about indians abroad, Indian accent

    8 Things Foreigners Find Most Annoying About Indians Abroad 2019-05-28 12:00:38

    Every culture, race, and ethnic group beyond the shadow of doubt has some quirks that vex outsiders. Since Indians are largely preferring foreign countries to settle down, here are some desi traits that probably foreigners find annoying or appalling. Parental...

    Keywords: indian habits, what foreigners think about indian english, foreigners in india blog, foreigners

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    Kal Penn talks about stereotype in Hollywood, Kal Penn, hollywood script depicts indian characters in a belittling manner, Indian accent

    Hollywood script depicts Indian Characters in a belittling manner 2017-03-16 06:44:54

    Hollywood is not as free, liberal and diverse as it seems to be. While Hollywood conveniently cast white actors for the role of Jesus or Moses and many other middle-eastern characters, they racially typecast all other races. Indian-origin Hollywood actor...

    Keywords: Kal Penn talks about stereotype in Hollywood, Hollywood, Kal Penn, Kal Penn

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    kamala harris presidential campaign, tulsi gabbard presidential campaign, indian american community turns a rising political force giving 3 mn to 2020 presidential campaigns, Indian accent

    Indian American Community Turns a Rising Political Force Giving $3 Mn to 2020 Presidential Campaigns 2019-07-23 11:10:53

    Even though Indians make up merely 1 percent of the United States population, it has a growing political force. Indian Americans turned out to be the largest contributors to 2020 presidential campaigns with giving more than $3 million. Indian Americans...

    Keywords: Indian american community, Indian americans, kamala harris presidential campaign, 2020 presidential campaigns

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    Modi in Argentina, PM modi arrived in Argentina, g20 argentina local tv channel reports modi s arrival with apu meme, Indian accent

    G20 Argentina: Local TV Channel Reports Modi's Arrival With 'Apu Meme' 2018-12-01 06:07:40

    "Apu arrives," this is how an Argentina news channel Cronica TV headlined the news of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's arrival in Buenos Aires, the BBC reported. The news channel in no time faced backlash after they displayed an image...

    Keywords: Narendra Modi, G20 Argentina, Apu compared with Modi, Apu Indian character

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    World’s 50 Sexiest Accents 2019 list, World’s 50 Sexiest Accents 2019, indian accent ranked 26 in the world s 50 sexiest accents 2019, Indian accent

    Indian Accent Ranked 26 in the World’s 50 Sexiest Accents 2019 2019-05-03 05:38:34

    Every nation has its own accent and regardless of where a person put down roots the accent which gets deep-rooted would certainly not go. The list of the world’s sexiest accents is out and New Zealand topped the list. After...

    Keywords: world’s 50 sexiest accents, Indian, world’s sexiest accents, Indian

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