Search Results On north west (Page 1 of 3)

north west (Page 1 of 3)

  • Tamilnadu, Thiruvalluvar statue, triveni sangamam kanyakumari, North west

    Triveni sangamam - Kanyakumari 2015-05-30 07:41:10

    Kanyakumari is the southern most district of India in the state of Tamilnadu. Kanyakumari is situated between 77o 15' and 77o 36' of the eastern longitudes and 8o 03' and 8o 35' of the Northern Latitudes. It shares the boundary...

    Keywords: Vivekananda Rock memorial, Vivekananda Rock memorial, Thiruvalluvar statue, Thiruvalluvar statue

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    Indian-Origin MPs in Britain Parliament, Indian-Origin MPs in Britain Parliament, 10 indian origin mps in britain house of commons, North west

    10 Indian-Origin MPs in Britain House of Commons 2015-05-08 10:30:19

    The number of Indian-Origin members in House of Commons has not changed as only 10 members have become successful in Thursday’s election. Nine out of ten of previous house have won the election, while Paul Uppal of the Conservative party...

    Keywords: Sajid Javid, Asians in House of Commons, Virendra Sharma, Asians in House of Commons

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    best place to live in uk for indian, indians in uk, indian origin shopkeeper ravi katharkamar stabbed to death in london, North west

    Indian Origin Shopkeeper Ravi Katharkamar Stabbed to Death in London 2019-03-27 05:04:31

    The 54-year-old Indian origin man who is running newsagent’s shop in the United Kingdom has been stabbed to death during a burglary at his store on Sunday. Ravi Katharkamar, who was thought to have two children, was attacked as he...

    Keywords: Indian origin in London, indians in uk, gujarati population in london, indians in london

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    Chandrayaan 2, australia, australians thought chandrayaan 2 was an unidentified flying object when it flew over their country, North west

    Australians Thought Chandrayaan-2 Was an Unidentified Flying Object When It Flew over Their Country 2019-07-23 12:33:40

    On Monday, India launched its second lunar expedition, the Chandrayaan-2, from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 2:43 p.m. and which would be patently in Australia at around 7.30 p.m. Incidentally, around the same time, several Australians reported Unidentified Flying Object...

    Keywords: UFO in australia, Chandrayaan 2, Chandrayaan 2 in australia, australia

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    sun, radiation, comet neowise giving stunning night time show as it makes way into solar system, North west

    Comet Neowise Giving Stunning Night Time Show as it makes way into Solar System 2020-07-16 12:07:20

    Comet Neowise is being visible in the Northern Hemisphere since July 3 about an hour after sunset. It is bright enough to be seen with naked eye. A newly discovered comet Neowise is striking into the solar system and is...

    Keywords: Comet Neowise, radiation, northern skies, solar system

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    blind man, guide horse, indian origin man with eye condition to get guide horse in uk, North west

    Indian-Origin Man with Eye-Condition to Get Guide Horse in UK 2018-10-15 05:14:02

    An Indian-origin man based in north-west England, who suffers from a degenerative eye condition, is set to become the first person in the United Kingdom to acquire a guide horse to assist him with day-to-day tasks once he loses his imagination...

    Keywords: Retinitis Pigmentosa, blind man gets guide horse, Patel, blind man gets guide horse

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