Search Results On 007 movie

007 movie

  • James Bond movie, James Bond movie, sam mendes to direct bond 24, 007 movie

    Sam Mendes to direct Bond 24! 2013-07-12 12:22:45

    Sam Mendes, the man who gave films like “American Beauty” and “Skyfall”, will direct Daniel Craig once again in the next Bond movie. The 24th  edition of the super successful 007 movie is slated for release in the autumn of...

    Keywords: Daniel Craig, Skyfall, Sam Mendes, Sam Mendes to direct Bond 24

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    bond movie, bond movie, no more 007 for sam mendes, 007 movie

    No more 007 for Sam Mendes 2013-04-24 14:24:01

    Noted filmmaker Sam Mendes is said to have refused to direct another James Bond film as the according to him the thought itself makes him feel SICK...!The director of critically acclaimed films like  Revolutionary Road , American Beauty has directed...

    Keywords: new james bond film, 007 movie, 007 movie, bond movie

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    relationship, movies, best rom coms to watch with your partner during the pandemic, 007 movie

    Best Rom-coms to watch with your partner during the pandemic 2021-01-28 13:43:13

    The season for love is almost upon us. However, it might not be possible to do the outdoor activities you might have wanted to do because of the pandemic. But the pandemic has not stopped us from organising a cute...

    Keywords: date ideas., date ideas., night in, Valentine;s day

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