The self proclaimed mastermind of the 9th September 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers, which was the most disastrous terror attack in the United States till day. Wrote a letter to former US president Barack Obama to tell him that 9/11 was a direct result of United States foreign policy and the deaths of innocents it has caused.
In an 18 page letter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed addressed Barack Obama as a head of the snake and the leader of” the country if oppression and tyranny”.
David Nevin the Defence attorney said that Mohammed began writing the letter in 2014; he provided a copy of the letter, which has not yet been posted on the military’s website for Guantanmo proceedings.
According to reports the letter is dated January 8th, 2015, but it reached the White House two years later in the final days of Obama’s presidency, after a military judge ordered the Guantanamo prison camp to deliver the letter, where Mohammed is held.
"It was not us who started the war against you in 9/11; it was you and your dictators in our land," he wrote.
Mohammed said that God was on the side of hijackers that day, when airplanes were guided into the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.
He wrote that” Allah aided them in conducting 9/11, destroying the capitalist, catching you with your pants down, and exposing all the hypocrisy of your long held claim to democracy and freedom”.
Mohammed listed many grievances over United States “brutal and savage massacres” from Vietnam to the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he focused his rage on the plight of Palestinians and the America’s support for Israel and the “occupier Jews”.
He wrote in the opening paragraph that "Your hands are still wet with the blood of our brothers and sisters and children who were killed in Gaza."
Along with the letter, Mohammed also sent a 51-page manuscript entitled “Shall I Die when the Crusaders Carry out the Death Sentence? The Truth about Death. It is illustrated with an image of a noose”.
He said that he was not afraid of death; Mohammed faces a potential death sentence for allegedly masterminding the plane hijackings that killed almost three thousand innocent people.
He wrote that he speaks about death happily.
In the letter, he explained that, if United States court sentences him to life in prison, he would be very happy to be alone in his cell to worship Allah the rest of his life and repent to Him all his sins and misdeeds".
He also said if the court sentences him to death, he will be even happier to meet Allah and the prophets and see his best friends whom the US killed unjustly all around the world and to see Sheikh Osama Bin Laden," he added, referring to the late Al-Qaeda leader killed in a US raid in 2011 in Pakistan.
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