(Image source from: Never date these men})
After dating one or two men most women realise that there is nothing called a 'perfect man'. So women tend to get into a relationship after dating a man for a couple of time. In the beginning some men seem to be perfect or very close to perfect. But they give out some warning signals which you should not take lightly. Read on to know which types of men you should avoid if you have plans for long-term relationship.
Men with 'I, Me, Myself' attitude
Some men are full of themselves. He does not has any masculinity left in him. You can identify such a man by the amount of time he spends in front of a mirror or in beauty spas. He will never give compliments to you. Hew can he – he would rather admire himself than look at you.
Stingy men
It is difficult to live with a stingy man. Such men hate spending money. He will never spend money on you. Don't even expect him to share expenses incurred together - on movies or a dinner. A stingy man will expect you to pay for his expenses – food, clothing or even his house rent.
Self-centered men
Being confident is one thing, but an overconfident man can really be a pain. He would be full of admiration for himself. At any given opportunity he will try to prove himself better than you. If your man is a self-centred man he is likely to make you feel miserable for being born on earth.
Men with suspicious nature
Men who are suspicious by nature cannot digest the fact that you had a boyfriend before him. Once you reveal about your ex-boyfriend he will find it difficult to trust you. Even though you have never been disloyal he has doubts that you still meet your ex-boyfriend at times. And if you talk to any other man he's full of suspicion. He cannot see you smiling and happy. Life with such a man will be miserable.
Living in the past
Some men feel that fife in the past was the best. They survive on past glories. Talks about past achievements will dominate his conversation and he would harp on his great contribution to humanity. Such men refuses to live in the present and he would not do anything about the task at hand.
(Picture Source: bravefury.com)
(AW: Pratima Tigga)