Turn cooking into a fun learning experience for your kids. Prepare a wholesome, yummy meal and just feel the joyous experience of cooking food along with kids, at the same time strengthening bond.
Cooking time is definitely a chance to build bond with your kids. Kids feel responsible and involved when they are involved in cooking sessions along with parents. It is a relaxing environment when every one in the family are involved in a task. It gives an opportunity to strike an intimate rapport with kids and a chance to learn what is happening in their lives and minds.
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No cuisine or food culture in the world are new these days. Food shows in television brings world into our kitchen. If you are cooking together pick a new recipe and it will surely turn into a new learning experience. Exchange stories concerning a specific cuisine or origin of food traditions. Children learn about different cultures through cooking. It remains as a wonderful experience and a healthy way of learning. India has diverse regional cuisines. Give your child an opportunity to broaden their mind, understand traditions, geography as well as availability of ingredients.
Making a delicious dish could give you a sense of accomplishment and joy. It even boosts the self esteem and confidence. So let your child be a part of cooking to even get good practical experience.
Also read: One year old baby food
- Sumana