Your Tweets to be sold to companies, by TwitterBusiness News

March 02, 2012 09:47
Your Tweets to be sold to companies, by Twitter

Right now in Hyd, lunch at Chutneys…. Shopping at Central… leaving by KF to Mumbai…. Probably it means nothing to you. But could be worth much more for marketing companies.

Looking at what we tweet may not be much of use to us, it’s just a chronicle of thoughts. But from the marketing point of view it attributes to the commercial power of an individual. This could also suggest various likes and dislikes of a person. All this vital info could never be available in any survey. So the tweets on the Twitter will be a blessing in disguise for companies. This would help to re-design their strategies once they get a chunk of these tweets. To make that viable to companies micro blogging site Twitter has signed a deal with a UK-based company Datasift to trawl through every single tweet posted by a user since January 2010.

Till date if someone wanted tweets they could only retrieve tweets going back 30 days. But now Datasift has made things possible to get tweets going back up to two years.  Tim Barker, Datasift's marketing manager, said that the service, which costs 635 pounds a month for an entry level package, will help businesses "understand their customers better", The Telegraph quoted Barker, as saying. Datasift will pay Twitter a syndication fee each time it licenses a tweet to a company. The relationship is not exclusive however, and other companies are expected to follow suit and offer increased access to users' tweets.  (With inputs from internet: AarKay)

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